Know Everything about Pregnancy Remedial Massage
Since you are reading this article, it is quite obvious that you are looking for the best massage for pregnancy, right?

First of all, congratulations!

Both during and following pregnancy there are many changes that the body goes through. Often you may experience back and hip which can affect the quality of your life. Our Remedial Massage Therapists are qualified to help you! So, how can we help you?

Is Remedial Massage safe? Yes, it is! Remedial massage helps:

(Facts from our website)

Massage can help relieve some of the tension and pain experienced throughout pregnancy. It can be especially useful to ease discomfort at a time when you can't use particular medicines. Pregnancy massages tend to be on the gentler side.

We use a softer pressure with pregnancy massage due to the tenderness of ligaments with great therapeutic effects. Massages can reduce stress, reduce swelling in the arms and legs and relieve muscle and joint pain in pregnant women.

The only contraindication is NO DEEP pressure in the lower back during the 3rd trimester, however due to the risk’s we would caution no deep pressure when pregnant at all/ at any time

We have a specially designed pregnancy pillow for the mother to lay face down, however some find that uncomfortable so we instruct them to lay on their side instead. It is not a good idea to lie flat while in the second half of pregnancy since as it may put too much pressure on the vein that runs from your legs to your heart.

Improves sleep quality: The first and main advantage of saying yes to remedial massage is that it helps in improving sleep quality. We understand that it is not easy to sleep during pregnancy. Look for a remedial massage Perth therapist to provide you with the best pregnancy massage.

For better results, you should trust none other than WA Health Group. It is a leading health centre, with a team of a trusted and experienced professionals WA Health Group also offers Women’s Health Physiotherapy, Clinical Pilates and Gym memberships.

If you want to know more about this health centre, you can visit the website of WA Health. For more details, click here.

For more details, visit


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